There's only one SoulBrandingSM
+ CLICK TO WATCH: A History of SoulBrandingSM
It's a cohesive template for strategic management of your enterprise, not just 'branding.'
We coined the term SoulBrandingSM in 1997 to convey a very specific, new opportunity for clients and a revolutionary way to achieve it. The methodology for calibrating your organization's inspiring, human 'walk' and 'talk' emerged from our proprietary research and deep experience around the relationship between communication and reality in business.
Brands have become such important surrogates for added-value that they are now generally regarded as core corporate assets. Almost synonymous with the corporation itself. (And certainly said to carry a high proportion of the market capitalization of any significant company.) Brands are the medium through which the corporation can reach the whole-person, the rational, the emotional, even the inspirational aspects of its stakeholders.
At the same time, the nature of the corporation is becoming more soul-ful by necessity: Commerce is the driving power in the world today. If society is to progress on important fronts, corporations will help do it. Willingly or otherwise. Enlightened leaders see the growth opportunity this represents to create new markets, reach new levels of fulfillment for employees, leverage the creativity of diverse networks of suppliers and other stakeholders.
SoulBrandingSM helps the CEO expand the corporate-brand promise to meet the expectation, even the hope and dream of the company’s key stakeholder groups. Imagine being able consistently to delight employees, customers, investors, suppliers, regulatory bodies - by virtue of your company’s most fundamental values.
The challenge is to do so credibly, authentically. Our decades of experience have guided corporate leaders to calibrate precisely the promise their brand represents and its credible delivery. This competence gives our client CEOs a marked strategic advantage in a business climate characterized by the ever-changing expectations of multiple constituents. -- Elsie Maio, 2002
Humanity, Inc is the successor company to Maio and Company Inc. © 1997-2016 Humanity, Inc SoulBrandSM, SoulBrandingSM, Being the BrandSM are service marks of Humanity, Inc 1997-2016.